Tee Travel
We’re a wholesale-retail travel agency specialising in the creation, promotion and marketing of tourist packages, with itineraries full of content, based on Trekking, Bicycle Touring, Wine Tourism and Cultural Tourism.
We began in Vilagarcía de Arousa in 2001, with the objective of conveying experiences, along with the challenge of creating emotions and surpassing the traveller’s expectations. We started out as a wholesale travel agency, being a reception agency in the North of Spain for the main European tour operators, and having the Camino de Santiago as our main product and letter of introduction.
In 2012, we faced a new challenge, that of setting in motion “Camino en bici” (Camino by bike) our bike rental brand for doing the Camino de Santiago by bike, providing a more extensive service. And then in 2013, as part of our expansion project, we opened the National and International Camino de Santiago Reception Office in Sarria, Lugo.
Nowadays, in addition to continuing with all the aforementioned projects and as a reception agency in Spain and Portugal, for tour operators from all continents, we also organise Trekking and Bicycle Touring trips in different parts of Europe.


