Jesús Hernández Galán
Director de Accesibilidade da ONCE
Since 2003 he is Director of Universal Accessibility and Innovation of the ONCE Foundation. Doctor of Forestry Engineering, he has completed a Master's Degree in Business Management and a Master's Degree in Environmental Management. In addition, PDG by IESE, Expert in Innovation by Standford University and the London School of Economics and Global Management Certificate by the Thunderbird Global Management School.
He served as General Director and CEO of Fundosa Accessibility between 2000 and 2003. He currently chairs the Evia Technology Platform and is Vice President of the European Network for Accessible Tourism (ENAT). He is also Chairman of the Technical Standardization Committee AEN / CTN 170 - Universal Accessibility and Design for All of AENOR; Chairman Mandate 420 - European Commission on accessibility in built environment; Responsible for special projects in the south and west of Europe of the EIDD; Member of the Jury of the Access City Award of the European Commission and member of the Jury of the Queen Sofia Awards in Accessibility and Queen Letizia Awards in Accessibility.
In addition, he is Director of the Master of Accessibility and Design for All of the University of Jaén, Director of the Master Executive Social Economy of the EOI and Director of the Universal Accessibility Course of the Official College of Architects Madrid and the Polytechnic University of Madrid. He is also the Chief Editor of the Journal of Accessibility of the UPC and member of Scientific Committees of various national and international congresses. He has directed several research projects funded by Spanish Public Administrations and by the European Commission; He has given a multitude of papers at Spanish and foreign universities and has participated as co-director or as a member of the panel in 10 doctoral theses.