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Camino Kumano- Wakayama- Japón

Camino Kumano- Wakayama- Japón

The Government of Wakayama Prefecture of Japan has 19 years twinned with the Xunta de Galicia by the ways; Kumano Kodo and the Camino de Santiago and continues to actively promote the two ways of pilgrimage and World Heritage. It is the second time he participates and this time he hopes to carry out a series of promotions, some with Turimo de Santiago for the explanation on "Dual Credential" that with this credential there are more than 700 people who have made the two ways.

Represented brands
Kumano Tourism Bureau
Contact info
Megumi Shiozawa (Casa Galicia Japón) & Sr. Nobuyuki Shiba (Departamento Turismo Prefectura Wakayama)