+34 981 573 145

Xosé Regueira Varela


Xosé Regueira is Deputy of Cooperation, Provincial Plans, Assistance to Municipalities, Tourism and Historic Artistic Heritage in the Provincial Council of A Coruña. 

Within the scope of its competences, it maintains a strong commitment to the valorisation, protection and dynamization of all the historical and cultural routes of the province, among which the Santiago Way stands out.

Presentation: A Coruña, country Ways

In addition to the xacobeos roads, all the channels pass through the province of A Coruña, there are in our territory other ways that allow direct contact with nature, whether on foot, on bicycle or on horseback and that, from the Diputación Provincial de A Coruña, aware of its cultural and scenic value, we drive at all levels.

Among the actions that show the commitment to make the routes and roads of the province one of the thematic axes from the heritage and tourism point of view, they give account to the actions of improvement, signaling and promotion undertaken in the last years around the English Way, the Way to Fisterra, the Way of San Andrés de Teixido or the Way of the Lighthouses.

In this process, it is vital to develop a coordinated and efficient public management, which allows us to protect, value and promote our ways, through planned and shared actions from all levels of the administration involved.

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