WeGo Journeys
TIB Tours, which is short for To Israel & Beyond, has been undertaking itineraries and pilgrimages to Bible Lands since 2007. At the beginning, Israel and the surrounding Bible Lands were the main destinations. However, other routes and destinations soon arose. In 2012, we presented our Pauline Tours, visiting the countries and places of interest related to the apostle Paul’s missionary routes. By taking the members of our tour groups to exciting, lively countries, such as Greece, Turkey, the islands of Crete and Patmos, as well as Italy, we’re following in the footsteps of Paul and the roots of Christianity. By popular request of the tour’s previous members, we had to explore our trips with a purpose, opportunities, and we were delighted to present pilgrimages to the Way of St. James in Spain with our first “Camino” being launched in 2014. At present, we help around 100 pilgrims per year to travel along the Way of St. James, whether on their own or joining one of our guided walks.


